Vernal, Utah Mountain Series Round 1 May 13th 2017
Congratulations to the winners of the Mountain series round 1
53 Chris Hoyt
4531 Shawn/Kevin Rants
4693 Josh Atteberry
SuperMod Trail
52 Paul Tyler
Modified Trail
52 Paul Tyler
Stock Trail
53 Tyler Roundy
650 Keith Campbell
824 Ryan Rockhold
For Full results go to

Buckskin Hills Motorsports Park
6700 E Brush Creek Rd,
Vernal, Utah 84078
Use Online Discount Code: DIRTRIOT17 to get 20% off door price
Tickets are always available at the gate
Standard Prices
$15.00 Adult 16+
$5.00 Children 8-15
Kids 7 & Under Free
Military discount (with ID) $5.00 off gate price
Dogs need to be on a leash
No fireworks
All fire pits must be controlled. Bring your own firewood.
This property has open riding following the completion of the final race.
Registration: 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Pre-run No Prerunning
Rich will be doing tech during registration, all teams must be teched prior to taking the course
Anticipated Start Times
Pre-Running 7:00 a.m. – Green flag controls the course, if no green flag, do no take the course. HELMETS AND HARNESSES must be worn during pre-running. 5 mph speed limit EVERYWHERE, except the race course
Driver’s Meeting 9:00 a.m. – Racers are expected to qualify in your draw order. Determination of start order for non-pro classes is done based on random draw
Pro Qualifying 10:00 a.m.
First Dirt Riot race – UTV/Pro UTV 11:00 a.m.
4600/StockTrl/ModTrl 12:30 p.m.
4500/SuperMod Trl 2:00 p.m.
Final Race – 4400 Class 4:00 p.m.
Immediately following event, awards will be presented.
Drivers: Please plan to attend to pick up trophies; cash payments for purse are also awarded for top placements – please review the Dirt Riot rule book.
- Primitive camping available onsite for teams
- Hookups also available on first come/first serve basis $20
- All persons taking the course must have signed the waiver prior to going on course. Please see Shelley at the trailer to complete your registration and get your wristbands. Registration opens at 4 p.m.on Friday. (Wristbands are provided to all teams: Driver/Co-driver wristband to StkTrl/ModTrl/SuperMod Trl/Pro UTV and Sportsman UTV teams. Driver/Co-driver wristband + two pit bands to 4400/4500/4600 teams. Additional pit bands are $10/each
- All persons onsite MUST have a wristband/no exceptions

What is Dirt Riot Endurance Racing? In short, Awesome! If you are looking for the most fun and competitive off-road racing series that anyone from weekend wheelers to professional race teams can compete in, you have found it. Dirt Riot sets up races all across the U.S. each course and location brings new challenges for competitors. The courses typically range from 4-8 miles in length and each race is timed for 1-3 hours, depending on class, the team that completes the most laps in that time wins. Push your rig too hard and you will not last the full race, drive too mildly and fall behind the pace. The key is to learn the track and know your rig’s capabilities. Spectators will enjoy seeing competitors drifting corners, hitting jumps, and taking on difficult rock sections. Dirt Riot has the same race classes as Ultra4 as well as a few more to allow anyone to bring their rig out and compete. Most trail rigs can pass inspection with little to no modifications. This is perfect for a club trail day, challenge your club members to a full race then stay and watch the pros race on the same course you just did.